Лубрикант със загряващ ефект от "Durex", който със сигурност ще затопли отношенията между Вас и партньора Ви. Нежната му гелообразна консистенция се нанася лесно и гарантира чувствени изживявания. Характеристики: може да се използва самостоятелно или в комбинация с презервативи подходящ за вагинален и орален секс напълно съвместим с презервативи, като формулата на лубриканта не поврежда материала, от който са направени формулиран на водна основа и лесно се измива с вода не е контрацептивно средство и не съдържа спермициди Важно: Лубрикантите "Durex Play" могат да забавят сперматозоидите, ... |
Специалистите от Eveline представят маска за лице в две бързи стъпки. Стъпка 1 представлява загряваща скраб маска, придаваща сауна ефект. Благодарение на него порите се отварят и активните съставки ги почистват в дълбочина. Формулата съдържа бамбуков активен въглен, който почиства и стяга порите. Той се бори ефективно с черните точки и предотвратява появата на нови такива. Каолинът в състава притежава антисептични, ексфолиращи и стягащи свойства, а благодарение на лавандулата, кожата е подхранена, успокоена и хидратирана. Маската съдържа и 12 билки, които подобряват състоянието ѝ. Стъпка 2 представлява ... |
За здрава, красива и сияйна кожа, специалистите от GESKE ви предлагат уреда за лице Sonic Warm & Cool Mask. Той комбинира 9 технологии в 1 и е подходящ за употреба с различни маски за лице. Уредът е одобрен от дерматолози и е подходящ за всеки тип кожа. Патентованата технология Cryo Deep Cooling Revitalizing ефикасно свива и минимизира порите. Full-Spectrum LED Light Technology стимулира подхранването и регенерацията на кожата. Тя се бори с процесите на стареене, бръчките и фините линии. В зависимост от цвета LED светлина, който изберете, постигате различен ефект. Технологията Pore-Opening Deep Warming незабавно ... |
This fantastic collection includes four original fiction stories featuring some very special unicorns. Young children will love reading these magical adventures and heart-warming tales. The large format allows the stunning full-bled artwork scenes to jump off the page, helping to engage and inspire younger children as they delve into a world of unicorns. ... |
You can find the bulgarian version of the book here. ... Elli is a little girl with big, unruly hair. She lives on a small island in a magical house. All the people of the island look after her - but why is that? A joyful and heart-warming debut book by the creative tandem Faro with the lovely illustrations by Kalina Muhova."Pack your bags for a delightful trip to Elli's magical island, and don't forget your combs." Book Wings ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. United by the theme of the circle, these stories are set in the UK, the USA and Singapore. From the discovery by a student archaeologist of a mysterious silver disc with strange properties to the heart-warming story of the rescue of a dangerously ill child by a poor tri-shaw driver, this collection of five stories is both amusing and thought provoking. ... |
New York Times bestseller. ... A brilliant, penetrating examination of the roller-coaster life of silicon valley's most audacious businessman, sending shock waves throughout business and industry. "Musk is a visionary genius: the man most likely to solve our addiction to carbon, save the planet from global warming, and set us on course for our interplanetary destiny." London Review of Books "An essential read... a riveting portrait of Silicon Valley's most driven entrepreneur since Steve Jobs" Financial Times "An entertaining read for anybody who wants to get into the mind of this ... |
"It's a food diary. I have to tell the truth, that's the point." ... "A beautiful love litter to friends, family and food." Lindsey Kelk The latest teen novel from the sparkling Laura Dockrill, introducing Bluebelle, and her moving, hilarious take on food, body image and how we look after ourselves and others. A heart-warming teen story from the unique voice of Laura Dockrill, about Bluebelle, aka BB, aka Big Bones - a sixteen-year-old girl encouraged to tackle her weight even though she's perfectly happy, thank you, and getting on with her life and in love with food. Then a tragedy in ... |
Sustainable Corporate Governance in 21st century. ... This book is dedicated to those, who wish for a stress-free natural environment for themselves, their children and their children’s children. The narrative tells the story of how investments - a critical factor in the global economy - can mitigate the impact of climate change. Finding a way for the key corporate governance players to reconcile economic and sustainable development criteria is the main theme. This is a point that needs to be understood by the global community, because, unlike financial crises, the ill effects of global warming can not be reversed. ... |
A heart-warming series about friendship, compassion and finding your kindred spirits. When two strangers meet at a party and realise they both feel different from everyone else there, they start the "The Sad Ghost Club" - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong. But when a third ghost wants to join the club, things get a bit more complicated. Can the two ghosts overcome their insecurities and uncertainties in their new friendship, and find a way to welcome new members to the club? Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 2 in a new graphic novel series, for ... |
Based on the story of Louisa May Alcott. Retold by John Escott. ... When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his little women when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult ... |
A Miscellany of Festive Stories. Edited by Becky Brown. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. This edition is introduced by Ned Halley and features charming illustrations by Alice Ercle Hunt. Round About the Christmas Tree is the perfect Christmas gift for booklovers as all facets of the festive season are represented here in one gorgeous volume. This anthology shows what an ... |