Нивелирът Mark-It на Sola разполага с алуминиев профил и предпазни капачки, които предотвратяват деформиране при изпускане. Снабден е с 2 либели и специална електротехническа скала, която е гравирана през 1 mm и позволява 4 маркировки на разстояние от 71 mm съгласно стандарт DIN 49075. Нивелирът има пластмасови разделители, които предотвратяват плъзгането при маркиране, дължината му е 80 cm, а точността на измерване е ± 0.75 mm/m (0.043°). ... |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an adaptation of the timeless novel by Mark Twain. Generally considered a classic, this is a tale about friendship, loyalty, and difficult choices. The simplified text has approximately 2500 headwords and is appropriate for intermediate to advanced learners. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) was an American humorist, journalist, and novelist, best known for his books The Innocents Abroad, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."I conceive that the right way to write a story for boys is to write so that it will not ... |
"The Hunting Party" ще бъде шестият студиен албум на "Linkin Park" и техния първи след "Living Things" от 2012-та година. Част от гостуващите изпълнители в записа са Том Морело от "Rage Against The Machine" и Дарън Малакиан от "System Of A Down". Майк Шинода наскоро сподели, че новият албум на бандата е с "по-тежко" звучене от предишните и е реакция към това, което той описва като "пасивен" характер на новите групи."Linkin Park" ще издадат "The Hunting Party" само ден след тяхното шоу като хедлайнери на летния Download Festival в ... |
Complete and unabridged. Three Men in a Boat remains one of the best-loved and most entertaining comic novels. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, unabridged, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by A. Frederics and an afterword by David Stuart Davies. Join our young heroes J., George and Harris (not forgetting Montmorency, the mischievous, irascible fox terrier) as they take a boating holiday along the Thames. Their aim is to escape the ... |
An Autobiography is an adaptation of Mark Twain's famous autobiogrphy. This title has approximately three thousand headwords and is sppropriate for upper intermediate to advanced learners. Twain was an American writer of such classics as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Prince and the Pauper". In his time, he was considered the funniest man on earth. In this small volume the author recounts colourful anecdotes from his long life. "In this Autobiopgraphy, I shall keep in mind the fact that I am speaking from the grave... I shall be dead ... |
Шест стратегически принципа за мениджъри. ... Преди две хилядолетия и половина бележитият китайски пълководец и военен стратег Сун Дзъ написва класическия трактат върху военната стратегия "Изкуството на войната". В това ново и допълнено издание на Изкуството на войната в бизнеса Марк Макнийли ни показва как стратегическите принципи на Сун Дзъ са приложими в бизнеса през 21 век. От заложените в класическия трактат концепции той извежда шест стратегически принципа, които собствениците на компании и мениджърите да използват в "битките" с конкурентите. Държите две книги в една: анализ на идеите на Сун ... |
Sean "Diddy" Combs, по-известен като Puff Daddy и "Bad Boy Entertainment" празнуват повече от 20 години статута си на водеща сила в хип хоп и R&B индустрията с издаването на "Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition". Нужен на всеки колекционер и любител на тази музика боксетът включва бонус книжка със 64 страници предговор и записки, писани от журналиста Мишел Гонзалес, колекцията ще разказва историята на "Bad Boy Entertainment", припомняйки на феновете за лейбъла и важното място, което той заема в бранша. С помощта на всички, взели участие в създаването на бокс сета, слушателите ... |
The year is 1547. In London, two boys from different families live very different lives. One is Edward Tudor, a prince and the future King of England; the other is Tom Canty, the son of a thief. One day they meet and their lives change forever. What happens when the two boys wear each others clothes? Why does the prince need the help of a poor man? Who becomes king when Henry VIII dies? And how can a beautiful gold object save the prince? Mark Twain's classic story of two young boys who swap lives has the answers. "A few minutes later, Tom was wearing the prince's expensive clothes and the hat with purple ... |
The Prince and the Pauper is a classic adventure of mistaken identity set in Tudor London and told with Mark Twain’s trademark humour and concern for social justice. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library - a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has an afterword by author and journalist Nicolette Jones. Penniless Tom Canty wonders what it would be like to be a prince. Heir to the throne Edward Tudor dreams of a life outside the royal palace walls. When the two boys ... |
This book is an adaptation of Mark Twain's classic tale The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It has about 1400 headwords and is appropriate for low intermediate to intermediate learners. Tom Sawyer is an iconic figure in American literature, and his adventures have fascinated millions of readers all over the world. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) is one of America's best and most beloved writers, famous for his tales of boyhood like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."There were people who believed that Tom Sawyer might some day become President of the United States, if he ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most irrepressible and exuberant characters in the history of literature, Tom Sawyer explodes onto the page in a whirl of bad behaviour and incredible adventures. Whether he is heaving clods of earth at his brother, faking a gangrenous toe, or trying to convince the world that he is dead, Tom's infectious energy and good humour shine through. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is Mark Twain's joyful and nostalgic recollection of tall tales from his own boyhood by the Mississippi. It was an instant success on first publication in ... |