Winner of The 2023 International Booker Prize. ... In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flaneur named Gaustine opens a clinic for the past that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time. As Gaustine's assistant, the unnamed narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to scents and even afternoon light. But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a time shelter, hoping to escape from the horrors ... |
A small boy creates a shelter for his sadness, a safe space where Sadness is welcome, where it can curl up small, or be as big as it can be, where it can be noisy or quiet, or anything in between. The boy can visit the shelter whenever he needs to, every day, sometimes every hour, and the two of them will cry and talk or just sit, saying nothing. And the boy knows that one day Sadness may come out of the shelter, and together they will look out at the world, and see how beautiful it is. A poignant and heart-warming picture book exploring the importance of making space and time for our own griefs, small or large, ... |
Фолиото за оцеляване на CAO се превръща в подслон, който е подходящ за екстремни условия и предпазва от студ, изолира от влага и дъжд. Конструкцията му е във формата на тръба - лесно може да се разпъне в триъгълна форма с помощта на шнур. Предлага се в комплект с оранжево калъфче с шнур и стопер. Характеристики: материал: полиестерно фолио 28 микрона размери разгънато: 200 x 150 cm размери в сгънат вид: 16 cm х Ø 7 cm с шнур 7 m тегло: 220 g ... |
"Down and Out in Paris and London" was George Orwell 's first published book. It is at once a very personal account, and a vivid exposé of hard lives weighed down by poverty in France and England between the wars. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by writer Lara Feigel. Towards the end of the 1920s, whilst living in Paris, George Orwell's few remaining funds are stolen and he quickly ... |